Crushing It: My Journey to 2nd Place in a Transformation Challenge
Discover the Power of Small Goals and Consistent Effort in Transforming Your Body and Mind for Long-Term Health and Strength
I recently came in second place in a transformation challenge at my gym, OrangeTheory Fitness, and I couldn't be more thrilled! At first, I hesitated to sign up because eight weeks seemed like such a long time. But ultimately, I decided that having something to hold me accountable as Spring began would be good for me.
Over the course of eight weeks, I lost three pounds of fat and converted another three pounds of fat into muscle, essentially losing six pounds of body fat. I’m going to share my secret to success in this blog, in the hopes that my tips can help you reach a goal of your own.
For this challenge, you could choose between two goals:
o Lose body fat
o Build body muscle
Given that I was still carrying extra weight from a period of burnout, it was an easy choice for me—I wanted to lose body fat.
Support from the Gym
The staff at the gym were incredibly supportive, providing information on sleep, water, and protein intake, as well as requiring a certain number of workouts each week. The participants were divided into teams to drive the competition and create support groups. Even with the support of the coaches, I knew the bulk of the work would happen at home. When I signed up for this challenge, it wasn’t to win; it was for accountability and to push myself a little harder than I had over the winter.
Setting Myself Up for Success
The first thing I did was set a realistic weight change goal. I wanted something sustainable, so I aimed to lose five pounds over eight weeks—just over half a pound a week.
The gym provided body scans at the beginning and end of the challenge to show muscle and body fat breakdowns. To keep myself accountable, I chose Wednesdays and Sundays as my weekly weigh-in days. I used my Renpho scale, which, although not calibrated the same as the gym's, would keep me on track directionally.
I selected Wednesdays because it was midweek, and Sundays because weekends are the hardest for me to stick to a routine. Knowing I had a Sunday morning weigh-in helped me stay mindful of my weekend eating habits.
Small Goals, Big Payoff
The key to successfully meeting a big goal is breaking it down into smaller, more manageable goals. I learned this during my wellness journey years ago when I lost over 50 pounds by simply eliminating soda from my diet. Here was my approach:
Week 1: Do the workouts, become mindful of the food in the house, and make conscious eating choices.
Week 2: Double my protein intake. I needed about 30g of protein at each meal. Being a carb lover, I had to find ways to include more protein; cue some research time.
Protein Tips
If you’ve followed me for a while, you know I emphasize the importance of quality protein, especially for weight-related goals. I especially encourage women to avoid poor quality protein powder mixes and bars. While I do use protein powder and bars sparingly, my focus is on whole, quality proteins. My go-tos were Good Cottage Cheese, egg white omelets, and shredded chicken from my InstaPot. For snacks, I chose Macro bars or Atlas bars and plant-based protein shakes.
Weeks 3 – 8: Locking it in. I found a routine that worked for me, consisting of:
3 meals and 2 snacks each day, totaling 100-120g of protein
7.5 hours of sleep
90-100 ounces of water
A minimum of 30 minutes of movement a day, including walking, yoga, and OTF workouts
I had also eliminated alcohol from my diet at the beginning of the year, which helped reduce added sugar and improved my sleep and hydration.
Each week, I made small adjustments and importantly, spent at least two days a week not tracking anything, just listening to my body.
Take Action
If you’re working towards any goal, an action tracker can help. Start by writing down your goal and breaking it into smaller steps to achieve success.
The Final Stretch
The last two weeks were incredibly challenging. By week six, I was over the challenge. I felt in a good place according to my scale and feared messing it up. Plus, changing behaviors is a lot of work, and I needed a break. But I dug deep, found my discipline, and stayed determined to see it through.
The best part of the challenge was the camaraderie among participants and coaches. We supported each other with accountability shirts, sing-a-longs on the treadmill, open office hours, group chats, and workout crews. We laughed, groaned, and sweated together. Despite our diverse backgrounds, professions, and lifestyles, we were united by a drive to improve our health and push past our limiting beliefs. I’m constantly motivated by the strong women who show up to these workouts. Sure, it was a competition, but it didn’t feel that way.
The Results
When it came time to weigh in, I was genuinely shocked. I knew I had gotten leaner and stronger, but my home scale didn’t fully reflect that. I had lost six pounds of body fat! Three pounds showed on the scale, but the impressive part was converting three pounds of body fat into muscle. Since the weigh ins were staggered, I didn’t know how I was stacking up to the competition. It wasn’t until a couple of weeks later that I found out I had come in second place for the weight loss category. I was so proud of myself. Really, I was proud of everyone who had participated, but it’s not often I find success on a level like that, and I was beyond thrilled.
Reflecting on the Journey
My focus on building a healthy body and mind stems from my desire to age well and maintain strength and health into my older years. These challenges motivate me and push me to continue my wellness journey. It's not just about looking good; it's about feeling strong, capable, and vibrant at any age. Each step, each small goal achieved, is a step towards a healthier future.
The secret to meeting your goals is patience and taking it one step at a time. We didn’t get to where we are overnight, and to see sustainable success, you must slow down, take your time, and do it right.
To all of the OTF coaches, especially Izzy, Daphne, Josh & Vanessa - your dedication & motivation are so appreciated.
To the RockRow crew: Nick, Kristen, Dana, AJ, Brenna, Kristen, Sherri & Kyle - ya’ll bring it every class and I wouldn’t want to sweat next to anyone else!
About Meg:
I wear several hats that allow me to contribute positively to the lives of those around me. As a health coach, I am committed to guiding individuals on their wellness journeys, helping them make sustainable choices that lead to vibrant and balanced lives. Through my role as a yoga teacher, I have the privilege of sharing the transformative benefits of this ancient practice with my students. Moreover, as a personal trainer, I believe in empowering others to harness their physical potential and lead active lives.
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