Breaking Up with Calorie Counting: Embracing Nutrient-Focused Nutrition
I'll be the first to admit it: I'm a recovering calorie counter. Back in my late teens and twenties, I wrestled with my weight. I was what you might call a chubby girl. At that time, it felt like my only options were to meticulously count calories or dive into one of those trendy diets like Atkins or South Beach – neither of which appealed to me as healthy choices even then.

Why the doubt? Skepticism surrounds healthy decision-making.
…But what if, instead of fixating on the perfect morning routine or the organic fruit, we simply celebrate the small victories.
We shouldn't create a culture of guilt around food choices; rather, we should applaud any effort towards healthier living, regardless of the starting point.

Embracing Change: How Mindfulness Supports Women in Perimenopause
As the eldest of three sisters growing up in the 80s and 90s, discussions surrounding women's health and female sexuality were far from common. Yet, if there's a single lesson I've gleaned over the past couple of decades, it's that women's health and sexuality encompass a breadth far beyond these three anticipated milestones. To all the wonderful women between 35 and 55, this blog is dedicated to you. Allow me to introduce my newfound fascination: perimenopause. An experience I'm personally undergoing, though a concept that eluded me until recently.

Move your body! 5 ways to increase movement in your day.
A sedentary lifestyle, combined with a poor diet, is a silent killer. And while we like to congratulate ourselves for exercising 30 – 60 minutes each day, that’s not really enough to undue the other 22+ hours we spend sleeping or sitting.

The benefits of eating local, seasonal fall foods.
What is your favorite thing about colder temperatures? For me, it’s transitioning to heartier, body warming, grounding foods. The more we learn about nutrition and nourishing the body we see an important emphasis around local, seasonal eating.
Using mindfulness to heal.
Creating a mindfulness practice can support your mental heath and improve your resilience. Read on to explore three simple ways to start making mindfulness part of your practice.

Living from my heart center - how I lost the weight and transformed my life.
Living from heart center. How I found my way to a healthy, happy & sustainable lifestyle.