Brain-Boosting Superfood Smoothie
Just like we all have unique superpowers, certain foods have their own special abilities! This recipe is designed to fuel your brain and body, keeping you sharp, focused, and feeling great.

Finding light in the dark: Harnessing your unique strengths.
Yes, some people will show up in ways we don’t like. Some will challenge us, or even anger us. But when people show up authentically, we also find our people. Our tribe.

The Hormone Every Woman Should Know About | Understanding Cortisol

Embrace Your Naked Truth: Why You Should Look at Yourself in the Buff
First, let's tackle the elephant in the room (or maybe just the fabulous curves). Society has this bizarre way of making us feel uncomfortable in our own skin. Yet, learning to appreciate the skin we're in—every stretch mark, every curve, every dimple—can be incredibly empowering. Looking at ourselves naked isn’t just about vanity; it's about connection and gratitude.

Breaking Up with Calorie Counting: Embracing Nutrient-Focused Nutrition
I'll be the first to admit it: I'm a recovering calorie counter. Back in my late teens and twenties, I wrestled with my weight. I was what you might call a chubby girl. At that time, it felt like my only options were to meticulously count calories or dive into one of those trendy diets like Atkins or South Beach – neither of which appealed to me as healthy choices even then.

Move your body! 5 ways to increase movement in your day.
A sedentary lifestyle, combined with a poor diet, is a silent killer. And while we like to congratulate ourselves for exercising 30 – 60 minutes each day, that’s not really enough to undue the other 22+ hours we spend sleeping or sitting.

How to set health & wellness goals that you will actually accomplish.
Setting goals has quite a few benefits, including shifting behaviors, increasing focus and providing a sense of mastery. People who are experiencing too much pain or discomfort in their lives, or just the opposite, are experiencing too much comfort and pleasure will benefit from goal and intention setting.